aptget update all
aptget update all
Apt-Get Update: failure to fetch; can't connect to any sources - Ask.Update is used to update the apt-get package list, upgrade is used to install updates for all packages. To update just one package, use install.
May 12, 2011. How can I force apt-get (as I get the same "no updates" message there) to re- build the status of all my packages? I tried the solution below with.
aptget update all
Exclude packages from `apt-get upgrade` - Ask Ubuntu.
apt get - How do Ign and Hit affect apt-get update? - Super User.
Fix all apt-get update related problems - Pinguy OS Forum.
Nov 12, 2012. All that sudo apt-get update. does is to update the available archives. It should download the changes which does nothing more than let Ubuntu.
Code: Select all: sudo apt-get upgrade. will never install new pkgs/lib, only update the ones your system already has; but only if that doesn't.
Nov 12, 2012. Anacron makes sure that all the tasks listed in /etc/cron.hourly , /etc/cron.daily. bin/bash apt-get update apt-get upgrade -y apt-get autoclean.
DebianPackageManagement - Debian Wiki.
12.04 - sudo apt-get update does not work? - Ask Ubuntu.
Debian User Forums • View topic - apt-get update downloads 401 files.